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This doesn't do 687 mph. It probably doesn't do 68mph for that matter.

But it's no less iconic. Firstly, don't worry that's not the Red Baron. It's a very nice friend of ours who happens to be the award winning pilot and vintage aircraft expert, Paul Ford.

He's also, despite claiming otherwise not 110 years old, unlike the Fokker Dr.I Dreidecker (German for three decks, apparently). More good news, because not only is Paul not 110, neither is the aircraft. Rather famously, a little over ten years ago, Paul and his family decided that as no one was selling a flying Fokker they'd make their own, very faithful, replica. It's very very close to the original so squint and imagine you're in a Sopwith Camel (or Snoopy) and we can transport you back to WWI. In those days aerial combat took place in what today would be regarded as slow motion. Doesn't make it any less brave, tricky or thrilling though because the people from both sides flying Great War aircraft where pioneers, sent to bravely do a truly terrifying job whilst shooting at each other with machine guns timed not to hit their own propeller.

There are likely fewer replicas than actual DR1's flying. That's simply because there's possibly not as much appeal in building an aircraft from scratch where you can't see ahead on the ground, need to tie it down on an even remotely breezy day and become despondent flying near roads because the cars are faster. Fortunately Paul thinks all that's part of the fun and so he'll give everyone's neck a rest as he hurtles through the sky at a tenth the speed of the F86 on yet another Old Buckenham debut.


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