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Beechcraft Staggerwing

Harking back to the Golden Era of Movies, we're bringing out this perfect Beechcraft Staggerwing once again. She's named ‘High Maintenance’ due to her 6 fuel tanks and massive Pratt and Whitney radial engine which provides 450hp. All that power is more than enough to whisk the Staggerwing to altitude and 200mph, where the South of France is a luxury ride in a large sofa way. The height of elegance in the 40's Staggerwings are seriously rare in flying condition. 98 are thought to be still airworthy and we know of only four in the UK.

High Maintenance is one of two which live here. They're both in Hollywood Glamour configuration with large expanses of leather inside and a drinks cabinet. Our friend Peter has one too which spends the summer at Duxford. His one, though, is in military configuration because in War the commanders need to go places quickly and not only can this aircraft do that, it can also land in an absurdly small distance.


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